10 Reasons Why People Use Internet

Internet is a nice medium to connect with the entire World. People use it as a medium to connect with other people, sharing files, entertainment, information and lots of other activities that are useful and beneficial in many terms. While browsing internet I found many websites which are useful in many ways. Some of them are Google, Facebook, NYTimes, Reditt etc. Here I am mentioning top 10 reasons why people use internet.


Communication is another way to use internet. People connect via each other through various IM services likeGtalk, Skype, and Yahoo messenger. There are lots of other services through which people send messages.

                                                    Transfer of files

From office to schools, from business person to college students everyone send files through internet. This is an essential part of their life. These file are send through internet. People use various mail services like Gmail,Yahoomail, AOL, and Hotmail etc to send files.
Current buzz
It’s either latest news or Football match score, people love to surf internet to get a live update of any news. Websites like Rediff, NYTimesGawker are a quick news providing websites.
There is a very close relation of internet to entertainment. It’s watching videos in YouTube, playing live games, or downloading movies; internet proves its domination everywhere.
Internet Transactions
Now internet can save time and money of people. The facility is known as internet banking facility through which people can deposit any bill, transfer money through accounts, and make internet reservations on time from their home.
Making money
People can make money online by using internet. People can make money online by many factual ways. There are lots of options available. Designing, Freelancing, consultancies, software providers, application always help people to work in an easier way.
Internet marketers use internet to sell products. There are lots of social media enthusiasts who promote other’s product online via various social media sites. There are lots of publishers available who promote others product by advertising on various websites blogs etc.
Online education
Online education is very famous medium of study in developed countries and growing in developing nations. Various websites such as Khan Academy and FreeVideoLectures offer online courses to learn various things like designing, programming, engineering, medical, finance and other subjects. This is very helpful medium to promote education on that place where courses are not available easily.
Internet is growing with tremendous speed. It became one of the important part of life. Life without internet cannot be imagined. Do you know any more use of internet. Feel free to share your views in comment. If you like this article don’t forget to subscribe to blog feed. Don’t forget to share this post via various social media sites.

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